Vision for Youth

The Working Group’s Vision for Youth

  • Youth and their families have safe, healthy, and stable places to live, learn, and work. 
  • Youth have opportunities to access high quality, affordable healthcare.
  • Youth have multiple opportunities to acquire education, training, life skills development, and to succeed in jobs, careers, self-sufficiency, and adulthood. 
  • Youth have strong, positive, stable connections to family, peers, school, supportive adults, and community.
  • Youth-serving organizations and partnerships are staffed by individuals who are well-trained, knowledgeable in the field, competent, compassionate, and culturally responsive.
  • Youth are recognized by their community for their strengths and provided multiple opportunities for civic engagement, service, and leadership.
  • Youth thrive throughout all phases of their development, including early and middle childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.

Download and read the complete Pathways for Youth: Draft Strategic Plan for Federal Collaboration (PDF, 50 pages) and provide your thoughts below.