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This report describes findings from an NIJ-supported longitudinal study examining the risks, patterns, and consequences of teen dating violence that extend into adulthood. Findings include the following:  Higher rates of dating violence victimization by a wide margin compared to other national studies.   High overlap between victimization and perpetration, emphasizing that relationships that ...
This report (PDF, 7 pages) uses the most recent data from the National Vital Statistics System to present trends from 2001 through 2021 in suicide and homicide rates for young people aged 10–24. Data is presented by age groups 10–14, 15–19, and 20–24. Learn more. 
This report presents the latest research and evaluation information, evidence-based promising practices, and learning opportunities to improve workforce program outcomes. This edition features a report on the implementation of Youth Apprenticeship Readiness Grants (YARG), an evidence review report of sector-based programs with findings that demonstrate increased employment and earnings, and ...
This report (PDF, 47 pages) describes the state of youth apprenticeship in the United States, reviews existing state youth apprenticeship systems, and describes the organization and partnerships of the Youth Apprenticeship Readiness grantees. Findings indicate the importance of considering how well youth of different ages are represented in the apprenticeship ...
This report (PDF, 5 pages) describes BJS’s efforts to measure the incidence and prevalence of rape and sexual assault in adult correctional and juvenile justice facilities during calendar year 2022. Data collection activities occurred through the National Survey of Youth in Custody, the National Inmate Survey, and the Survey of ...
This report (PDF, 6 pages) provides preliminary estimates of Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data for 2021. Learn more. 
This report details trends for youth ages 17 or younger held in adult correctional facilities from 2002 to 2021. The report includes data on youth in federal prisons, state prisons, and local jails. Learn more. 
This report describes results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) long-term trend (LTT) reading and mathematics assessments, which was administered to 13-year-old students from October to December of the 2022–23 school year. The average scores for 13-year-olds declined 4 points in reading and 9 points in mathematics compared ...
This report shares data about the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences among adults, lasting impacts of ACES on adult health and well-being, and implications for public health practice. Learn more.  
This advisory (PDF, 82 pages) emphasizes the important role that social connection plays in individual, community, and societal health. It offers recommendations for increasing and strengthening social connection through a whole-of-society approach. The advisory presents a framework for a national strategy to improve social connection with specific recommendations for the ...
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