
  1. Mental Health

Mental Health

This webpage offers tips to help parents and caregivers talk about mental health with young people. The webpage describes warning signs that a young person may be struggling and shares guidance on what to do if a parent suspects their child is struggling. Conversation starters and additional resources to support ...
The Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research is seeking applications for Family Advisory Board (FAB) members. The FAB is a virtual board comprised of individuals with familial experiences with a young adult with a mental health condition. FAB members will use their life experiences supporting and interacting with their young ...
This toolkit shares research-based information and practical tools to help school systems develop and implement a plan to advance the wellness of all school employees. The toolkit is built around two primary goals:  Build Knowledge: This section introduces planning teams to a research-based framework for advancing school employee wellness. This section ...
This webpage describes CDC's Improving Mental, Behavioral and Academic Supports to Students and Families project, which provides opportunities for parents and caregivers to share their perspectives on matters that impact their child’s school experiences, mental health, and overall wellbeing. The webpage also highlights conference materials and media literacy campaign materials related ...
The We Think Twice™ webpage on young men's mental health was developed based on the recognition by experts that young people struggle to know when to ask for help and men ask for help less frequently than other genders. Co-created with youth, this resource normalizes emotional ups and downs, shares ...
This report (PDF, 49 pages) provides a roadmap for opportunities for the Federal Government to continue to build evidence and leverage data to advance equity for LGBTQI+ young people and adults. The learning questions posed in this report will help agencies approach evidence building more effectively and strategically with a ...
Learning how to self-regulate their emotions, reactions, and behaviors is an important skill for youth as they enter and navigate their teenage and young adult years.
This web toolkit provides step-by-step information and tools for comprehensive suicide prevention. The toolkit provides guidance about how to use these seven elements of comprehensive suicide prevention:  Unity – how to develop broad-based support for a unified vision  Data – how to use data to guide action and improve efforts  Planning – how ...
This video describes six steps to create a suicide safety plan, including identifying warning signs, coping strategies, and trusted resources. Sample language for sharing the video on social media are provided. Learn more. 
This video shares warning signs of suicide in young people. Sample language for sharing the video on social media are provided. Learn more. 
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