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This snapshot (PDF, 1 page) highlights data from the 2020–21 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) on student enrollment and demographics and school characteristics. The report also explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on instruction type. Learn more (PDF, 1 page). 
This letter (PDF, 5 pages) provides information on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD) time-limit work requirement. The newly established ABAWD exceptions exempt youth who are experiencing homelessness and young adults who are exiting foster care from the three-month time-limit. Learn more (PDF, ...
This toolkit offers resources to assist school nurses and other school leaders in evaluating and responding to the drug overdose crisis through the implementation of a naloxone program in schools. The toolkit is organized in the following sections:  Creating a Naloxone Program in Your School  Campus Protocols for Emergency Naloxone Administration  Communication Resources  Learn ...
This bulletin (PDF, 19 pages) outlines the importance of youth engagement and provides caseworkers with key concepts and tangible strategies to apply to their practice. Learn more. 
This snapshot (PDF, 1 page) highlights data from the 2020-21 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) on sexual violence, including sexual assault, rape, and attempted rape, and sexual harassment or bullying. The report includes an overview of ED initiatives to address sexual violence and harassment in schools. Learn more (PDF, 1 ...
This brief (PDF, 12 pages) is the second in a six-part Integrated Education and Training (IET) Strategies in Action series that provides adult educators with a snapshot of the ways in which some IET programs have implemented promising practices to serve diverse student populations in a variety of settings. This ...
This brief (PDF, 9 pages) is the first in a six-part Integrated Education and Training (IET) Strategies in Action series that provides adult educators with a snapshot of the ways in which some IET programs have implemented promising practices to serve diverse student populations in a variety of settings. This ...
This toolkit features social media messages for partner organizations to encourage flu vaccination among young people and families. Learn more. 
This toolkit provides tools to prepare healthcare providers for flu season. Materials include:  Fact sheets on talking to young patients and parents about the flu vaccine  Slide deck to help healthcare providers prepare their practice for flu season   Handouts and FAQs for patients  Appointment reminder email template  Pharmacist guide and talking points for fighting the ...
NCES added new data tables to the Enrollment and Attendance Policy, Early Childhood and Kindergarten, and Accountability sections of the State Education Practices site. The State Education Practices site is a website that provides state-level data on elementary and secondary education reform efforts in eight topic areas:  Enrollment and Attendance Policy  School ...
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