
  1. Resources


This data snapshot (PDF, 1 page) offers a detailed look at a range of youth behaviors reported by high school students, including exposure to dating violence. Learn more (PDF, 1 page). 
This toolbox provides tools, templates, and guidance on how to plan, implement, and grow a culturally-relevant adolescent health program with Native Tribes or communities. Resources focus on program preparation and implementation. Learn more.  
The Project Red Talon National Network is providing free at-home HIV tests. Text NATIVE TEST to 55251 to get a rapid HIV self-test mailed to you free of charge or, if you live in Alaska, order online.  
This training shares the latest guidance on concussion prevention, evaluation, and management. Topics range from implementing safety and response plans to ongoing concussion care and stakeholder education. Athletic trainers can earn 2 continuing education credits through NATA after completing the training as well as a certificate of completion from the ...
These short training modules guide schools on steps to take to help students drink more water during the day. School staff will learn what can be done to ensure water is available, safe, and promoted as an ideal beverage choice. For more resources visit Water Access in Schools. Learn more.   ...
These toolkits provide non-governmental organizations (NGOs), school partners, and parents with resources on a variety of topics including physical education and physical activity, school nutrition services, out-of-school time and healthy eating and physical activity, getting the most from school meals, and school health services. View the toolkits below.  This Healthy Schools ...
This free tool helps families and caregivers quickly find addiction treatment services and support for their loved ones. The tool allows individuals to search a nation-wide database of traditional treatment centers as well as support services for the family or friends of those struggling with addiction. Available in English and ...
This report reveals a 3% overall decrease in suicide from 2019 to 2020, including an 8% decrease among females and a 2% decrease among males. Demographic disparities in suicide persist, as evidenced by increasing rates among persons aged 25–34 years, Hispanic males, and non-Hispanic multiracial females. Implications of this report ...
This free, downloadable digital health literacy curriculum includes a slide deck, accompanying script, and handouts that can be used to help people gain the skills needed to access and evaluate online health information. Other digital health literacy resources are also available. Learn more.   ...
This report (PDF, 71 pages) provides initial results from the 2020-2021 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS). The NTPS collected data on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on public and private schools, principals, and teachers during the 2019–20 school year. The report presents selected findings, using preliminary data, from ...
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