
Youth service professionals, including intake workers, case managers, job developers, teachers, transition coordinators, counselors, youth development group leaders, and independent living specialists, are often the first contact or 'face' of the workforce development system. They play an important role in connecting all youth to workforce preparation opportunities and support. This ...
Sampling of concerns facing sexual minority students and staff, including: violence, homophobia and prejudice, social and psychological issues, suicide and health, coming out. Also included are programs for supporting sexual minority students and enhancing school policy. 
This publication from the Casey-CSSP Alliance for Racial Equity in Child Welfare highlights the work of ten jurisdictions that are committed to reducing racial disproportionality and disparity in their child welfare systems. The report documents strategies, activities, and trends emerging in the cities, states, and counties represented. While there are ...
Does your organization support meaningful youth participation in collaborative team planning? This 14-itemSelf-Assessment Quiz can help you identify your organization's strengths regarding youth participation, as well as areas in which you can do more.
This guide provides facts and statistics about youth involved in the foster care system; gives examples of states and communities that are changing policy and practices; identifies areas requiring further attention by policymakers and providers of services; and identifies resources and tools to assist cross-system collaborative efforts. ...
This guide is intended for individuals designing mentoring programs for youth, including youth with disabilities, in the transition phase to adulthood.Mentoring is recognized as one of the most important strategies for assisting youth in making a positive transition into adulthood. Despite all of the information available on mentoring, there is ...
One Million Acts Of Kindness is a grassroots mission which teaches students the importance of having an individual ,lifetime goal of kindness. Each child performing and wanting kindness for everyone they interact with every day of their lives. One Million Acts Of Kindness Week is an annual event which is ...
Most bullying prevention involves conveying to kids how hurtful it can be and hoping those doing it will stop, and having consequences if they don't.  Teaching young people to have Unconditional Self-Acceptance (USA) and an Internal Locus of Control are often missing from such prevention programs.  Our thoughts about our ...
This Guide provides professionals with well-researched and documented facts, offers evidence-based research, highlights promising practices, and provides the Guideposts for Success for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System, in addition to pointing out areas requiring further attention by policymakers and identifying promising practices. ...
In this  hour solution-oriented video from the Emmy award winning PBS series, In the Mix, Miss America Erika Harold and teens share their compelling stories about being bullied. It highlights Project Change where HS peer educators work with MS students to produce PSAs showing what bystanders can do when they ...
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