
  1. Substance Use/Misuse

Substance Use/Misuse

This campaign addresses the “cost-free” mentality among youth around the use of e-cigarettes. The FDA expanded its award-winning “The Real Cost” campaign to educate the nearly 10.7 million youth aged 12-17 who have ever used e-cigarettes or are open to trying them about the potential risks of e-cigarette use. ...
This report details the alarming increase in youth use of any tobacco product increased for the first time in years.
In 2018, more than 3.6 million middle and high school students reported that they were currently using e-cigarettes. Learn more about these findings.
This video addresses substance use and addiction in adolescents and young adults and the most effective approaches to treating addiction, including opioid addiction.
The Youth Engaged 4 Change website has a fresh, new look with content that continues to inspire and empower young people to improve their lives and the world around them.
This video discusses the importance of addressing substance use and addiction in adolescents and young adults and the most effective approaches to treating addiction.
This annual survey measures how teens in the U.S. report their drug and alcohol use and related attitudes.
This fact sheet compares the myths and facts about the prevalence of alcohol use among youth.
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