Early childhood development
This webinar discusses housing instability amongst vulnerable families and partnerships that can prevent and reduce homelessness. The webinar includes a roundtable discussion with federal policy makers, advocates, and researchers; presentations from Tribal home visiting grantees; and a Q&A session. The webinar transcript (PDF, 60 pages) is also available.
This webpage provides information about the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) programs that aim to improve maternal and child health, prevent child abuse and neglect, encourage positive parenting, and promote child development and school readiness. It includes links to information about grants and grantees, home visiting models, ...
This webpage provides information about federal grant programs relevant for serving young parents and their children experiencing homelessness including Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs, Head Start, Child Care and Development Block Grant, Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and many others.
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