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Opportunity Name

Family Planning and Adolescent Reproductive Health Activity

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The five-year USAID National Family Planning and Adolescent Reproductive Health (FP/ARH) Activity (2024-2029) aims to improve family planning and adolescent reproductive health in the Philippines. It is a key component of the USAID Universal Health Care Project (UHCP) with the goal of improving health outcomes of underserved Filipinos. The FP/ARH Activity will help advance the Philippine government’s efforts under the Universal Health Care law to improve the delivery of quality preventive, promotive care at the primary health care level. The Activity will contribute to achieving the Philippine government’s health goals as follows: Increase the demand satisfied with modern FP methods among all women of reproductive age from 42 percent in 2022 to 75 percent by 2030; Reduce the adolescent birth rate from 25 per 1,000 girls (age 15-19) in 2022 to 12 per 1,000 girls by 2030; and Reduce the maternal mortality ratio from 144 per 100,000 live births in 2020 to less than 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030

Funding Number


US Agency for International Development


Eligible Applicants
Opportunity Name

Afghanistan Integrated Youth Activity (AIYA)

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The Afghanistan Integrated Activity (AIYA) aims to empower Afghan youth, particularly girls and young women, by equipping them with market-relevant technical and soft skills. This initiative seeks to enhance income, food security, and economic resilience among participants. The overarching goal of AIYA is to improve learning outcomes and livelihood opportunities for young women and men. Expected outcomes include: 1) Improved post-secondary technical and vocational education or learning opportunities for youth, with a focus on market-relevant, skills-based learning within the agricultural sector and its related value chains. 2) Youth, particularly girls and young women, acquire market-relevant skills to improve livelihood opportunities and engage in climate resilient agricultural value chains in their home, community, or other settings. See Attachment 1_AIYA Program Descriptions.

Funding Number


US Agency for International Development


Eligible Applicants
Health and Nutrition
Opportunity Name

Primary Education in Crisis Activity in Ethiopia (PECA)

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Crisis-affected children identify education as their first priority. Surveys have revealed that children value education as much as food, water or money.[1] Despite this, 224 million children and youth living in crisis settings worldwide are currently denied a quality education. All the while, education is essential for protecting children, youth, and communities during and after a crisis – it creates stability and enables psychosocial support and mental health for recovery. Long-term studies show that education reduces risks and mitigates harmful impacts of crisis, especially to the most vulnerable. This Primary Education in Crisis Activity in Ethiopia (the Activity) will meet children’s essential demand for education in Ethiopia. The Activity’s purpose is: Improved learning outcomes, wellbeing, and systems resilience for most vulnerable primary school age children affected by crises in Ethiopia. Achievement of this objective is an essential ingredient for Ethiopia’s long term stability and economic growth. This Activity will benefit from the robust partnership between USAID and The LEGO Foundation, as it will be co-funded from both organizations. In addition to co-funding, the Activity will draw on the extensive expertise of both organizations in foundational skills and playful learning. [1]…

Funding Number


US Agency for International Development


Eligible Applicants
Health and Nutrition
Mental Health
Opportunity Name

Advancing Aging Network Capacity to Support Family, Kinship and Tribal Family Caregivers: Understanding, Testing and Evaluating Caregiver Navigator Services

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The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to implement the demonstration authority in Section 373(i) of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended (OAA), using the framework provided by the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act and the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers (the Strategy). Specifically, this project seeks to: 1) better understand the extent to which caregiver/care navigator services are used in the programs and entities funded under Title III-E of the OAA; 2) design and test new materials and methods for delivering these services; and 3) evaluate the effectiveness and opportunities for scaling and replicating them. ACL will award one cooperative agreement to a single entity to undertake activities of a national scope and reach. The project will last for a duration of 36 months, with three, 12-month budget periods. The amount of federal funds available will be up to approximately $882,000 per year, pending availability of federal funds.The intended recipients of the technical assistance developed in this project are those entities typically involved with implementing and operating programs funded by the OAA, including state units on aging (SUAs); area agencies on aging (AAAs); local aging services and family caregiver support providers; kinship, grandparent and grandfamily services providers; tribes and tribal entities, and other entities that may be part of the aging and/or tribal services networks. Additionally, given the NFCSP’s inclusion of family caregivers of individuals with early onset-dementia and older relative caregivers supporting adults with disabilities, ACL desires that proposals identify how these populations will also be included in the work.

Funding Number


Dept. of Health and Human Services


Eligible Applicants
Native Youth
Opportunity Name

Research in the Formation of Engineers

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Not Provided


The NSF Engineering Directorate (ENG) has launched a multi-year initiative, theProfessional Formation of Engineers, to create and support an innovative and inclusive engineering profession for the 21stcentury. Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE) refers to the formal and informal processes and value systems by which people become engineers. It also includes the ethical responsibility of practicing engineers to sustain and grow the profession in order to improve quality of life for all peoples. The engineering profession must be responsive to national priorities, grand challenges, and dynamic workforce needs; it must be equally open and accessible to all. Professional Formation of Engineers includes, but is not limited, to: Introductions to the profession at any age; Development of deep technical and professional skills, knowledge, and abilities in both formal and informal settings/domains; Development of outlooks, perspectives, ways of thinking, knowing, and doing; Development of identity as an engineer and its intersection with other identities; and Acculturation to the profession, its standards, and norms. The goal of the Research in the Formation of Engineers (RFE) program is to advance our understanding of professional formation. It seeks both to deepen our fundamental understanding of the underlying processes and mechanisms that support professional formation and to demonstrate how professional formation is or can be accomplished. Ultimately RFE aims to transform the engineer-formation system, and thus the impact of proposed projects on this system must be described. Principal Investigators (PIs) should provide a roadmap detailing how they envision the proposed research will eventually broadly impact practice within the engineer-formation system, even if these activities are not within the scope of the submitted proposal. In order to accomplish its goals, RFE welcomes proposals in two categories: Research Projects, and Design and Development Projects. Research Projects address fundamental questions of professional formation, while Design and Development Projects provide new approaches to achieving professional formation. Additional details are provided below. Projects in both categories should address the iterative cycle in which research questions that advance understanding are informed by practice and the results of research are, in turn, translated into practice. In other words, proposals should explain how the research results will travel, translate, transfer, or scale. Successful projects identify specific target audiences, effective communication channels, and novel partnerships to ensure effective propagation and scaling. Proposal titles should begin with either “Research:” or “Design and Development:” as appropriate. Research Projects Research proposals are particularly welcome in the following areas: Research that addresses lifelong learning by the engineering workforce. Research on the impact of engineering education research. Proposals addressing this topic could investigate questions such as: How can we measure the impacts of engineering education research? What are effective strategies for scaling reforms? How can we translate knowledge from research to practice? What are the roles of technologies, networks and communities in achieving impact? RFE does not support efficacy, effectiveness, or scale-up studies for specific interventions. Research that addresses culture change in engineering education. Included in this topic are investigations of normative cultures of engineering at any level in the engineering education ecosystem and how these cultures may disadvantage certain groups. Research that addresses engineering formation at the two-year college level in both formal and informal settings. Research that addresses engineering formation at the graduate education level in both formal and informal settings. Research that investigates engineering in P-12 settings. Research in this area could include understanding of approaches to engineering in P-12, how to develop engineering ways of thinking, or the relationship between practices within the sciences and mathematics and engineering thinking. Research on the transitions between education levels, e.g., from high school to two-year college, high school to four-year college/university, two-year college to four-year college/university, undergraduate to graduate school, education settings to the workforce or professoriate, etc. Research that addresses the relationship between engineering and the public. Proposals addressing this topic could consider the social impact of engineering solutions, citizen engineering, education of an informed public, etc. Research that develops or adapts novel methodologies and frameworks appropriate for studying the professional formation of engineers, and especially minoritized, marginalized, or underserved populations. Research that addresses ways in which new technologies (such as artificial intelligence and machine learning) are changing engineering education. Research to transform engineering education so that all students encounter environmental and social sustainability principles as an integrated part of their education and are equipped with the tools needed to incorporate these principles into their future research, careers, and innovations. Proposals submitted to the Research Projects category should have clear research questions informed by an appropriate theoretical framework and a research design that includes sampling, data collection, and data analysis methods. This category will not support proposals that seek funding primarily to develop tools, curriculum, or laboratories, or that seek to implement classroom innovations that have already been shown to be effective in engineering. The program will evaluate the value of proposals by considering the impact and the cost. Research track projects that are small, exploratory, or speculative are especially encouraged. Larger Research track projects should have a correspondingly larger impact. Design and Development Projects RFE supports Design and Development projects (see that seek to develop and test new approaches in the following areas related to engineering education: Graduate education. Undergraduate education in new engineering technologies and environmental sustainability. Transitions between education levels, for example high school to two-year college, high school to four-year college/university, two-year college to four-year college/university, undergraduate to graduate school, education settings to the workforce or professoriate, etc. P-12, especially approaches to develop engineering thinking, or providing links between engineering, science, and mathematics. Proposals in this category should propose the design and development of new approaches that are informed by existing literature and theory. There should be clear objectives and the evaluation plan should be designed to determine if those objectives have been met. Projects cannot be solely demonstration projects but must add to the engineering education literature to inform future work.

Funding Number


National Science Foundation


Eligible Applicants
Employment & Training