Study Details
Coyle, K. K., Kirby, D. B., Marin, B. V., Gomez, C. A., Gregorich, S. E. (2004). Draw the Line/Respect the line: A randomized trial of a middle school intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 94, 843-851.
Draw the Line/Respect the Line
Program Information
Evaluation Setting
Study Sample
Research Design
Study Findings
The program was evaluated in a cluster randomized controlled trial involving 19 ethnically diverse schools in northern California. Ten schools were randomly selected to implement the Draw the Line/Respect the Line program and nine were randomly selected for a control group that continued their regular school programming. Surveys were administered before the program started in spring of sixth grade (baseline) and then annually in spring of seventh, eighth, and ninth grades.
In the second year of the program in the spring of seventh grade, and again at the end of the program in the spring of eighth grade, boys in the schools implementing the intervention were significantly less likely to report ever having had sexual intercourse and having had sexual intercourse during the previous 12 months. In addition, boys in the intervention group also reported a lower frequency of sexual intercourse and having had fewer partners in the previous 12 months. A year after the program ended in the spring of ninth grade, boys participating in the intervention were significantly less likely to report ever having had sexual intercourse and having had sexual intercourse during the previous 12 months. Program impacts on the frequency of sexual intercourse and number of sexual partners were no longer statistically significant for boys one year after the program ended. The study found no statistically significant program impacts for girls on any of these outcomes for any of the follow-up periods.
The study also examined program impacts on measures of knowledge, attitudes, normative beliefs, self-efficacy, sexual limits, coercive behavior, and unwanted sexual advances. Findings for these outcomes were not considered for the review because they fell outside the scope of the review.
NA = Not available. This means the authors did not report the information in the manuscripts associated with the studies we reviewed.
a This information was not available whenever authors did not report information for the treatment and comparison groups separately on outcome means, standard deviations, and/or sample sizes.
b Authors reported that the program effect (impact) estimate is statistically significant with a p-value of less than 0.05 based on a two-tailed test.
c For some outcomes, having less of that outcome is favorable. In those cases, an effect with a negative sign is favorable to the treatment group (that is, the treatment group had a more favorable outcome than the comparison group, on average).
d An effect shows credibly estimated, statistically significant evidence whenever it has a p-value of less than 0.05 based on a two-tailed test, includes the appropriate adjustment for clustering (if applicable), and it is not based on an endogenous subgroup.