Dept. of Justice

The CICC held a public event 7/22/24 to explore issues and opportunities about benefit access and utilization for children and their families experiencing poverty.
These resources are for corrections staff who interact with young people during child-parent visits to understand how integrating safety, collaboration, and transparency can benefit these visits.
Prevention efforts should aim to reduce factors that place youth at risk for perpetrating violence and promote factors that protect youth at risk for violence. In addition, prevention should address all types of influences on youth violence: individual, relationship, community, and society. Effective prevention strategies are necessary to promote awareness ...
Thousands of people experience youth violence every day. Youth violence negatively impacts youth in all communities—urban, suburban, rural, and tribal. Youth violence is common. 1 in 5 high school students reported being bullied on school property in the past year.1 Youth violence kills and injuries. Homicide is the third leading cause of ...
The IWGYP recognizes the importance of PYD and created a national Research Agenda on PYD that describes the key research domains and questions that could benefit from future research.
More than 2.1 million American Indians and Alaska Natives are under the age of 24.
The effects of incarceration are felt far beyond prison walls: children, families, and communities also experience the consequences of incarceration.
Background The Seattle Youth Opportunity Initiative represents a comprehensive approach to ensuring all youth transition successfully to adulthood, healthy and violence free. In Seattle, the injury or death of even one young person is too many. In April 2015, the Community Planning Committee designed and held the Mayor’s Youth Opportunity Summit, which ...
The Seattle Youth Opportunity Initiative represents a comprehensive approach to ensuring all youth transition successfully to adulthood, healthy and violence free. In Seattle, the injury or death of even one young person is too many. The initiative leverages the current Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative, providing a framework for alignment of ...
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