Webinar - Advancing the Use of Core Components Approaches: Suggestions for Researchers Publishing Evaluation Results
A “core components” approach to evidence-based programming for youth focuses on implementing parts, features, attributes or characteristics of programs shown to be effective, while allowing flexibility in other aspects that can be designed to meet community or population needs. These approaches rely upon systematic reviews and meta-analyses to identify whether hypothesized core components empirically predict improvement in desired outcomes. Much data that could be instrumental for such testing is not routinely made available through “regular channels” for reporting program evaluation or study results. This webinar identifies categories of data important to collect and report on that would advance core components approaches. It also engages audience members in a discussion about how best to incentivize researchers, journal editors and others to make more complete and detailed information available to identify, test, and scale up core components of effective programs. Watch below or here.
Download the webinar slides (PDF, 8 pages).
Download the Core Components Resource Guide (PDF, 1 page).
Panelists Include:
- Catherine Bradshaw, Professor and the Associate Dean for the Research and Faculty Development, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
- Allison Dymnicki, Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research
- Sean Grant, Assistant Professor, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Indiana University
- Cheri Hoffman, Director, Division of Children and Youth Policy, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services/Chair, Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs
- Byron Powell, Assistant Professor, Brown School, Washington University
- Sandra Wilson, Principal Associate, Social & Economic Policy, Abt Associates