
  1. Office of the Surgeon General

Office of the Surgeon General

This advisory (PDF, 82 pages) emphasizes the important role that social connection plays in individual, community, and societal health. It offers recommendations for increasing and strengthening social connection through a whole-of-society approach. The advisory presents a framework for a national strategy to improve social connection with specific recommendations for the ...
This Advisory describes current evidence on the impacts of social media on the mental health of young people. The advisory outlines immediate steps that parents, youth, researchers, policymakers, and tech companies can take to mitigate the risk of harm to young people. Learn more. 
In this video, the U.S. Surgeon General discusses bullying statistics, adverse mental health effects of bullying, and the positive impacts that feeling connected to people at school and at home can have on reducing negative health outcomes as a result of bullying. Learn more. 
The Surgeon General’s Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation (PDF, 22 pages) provides specific guidance and resources for health care providers, educators, librarians, faith leaders, and trusted community members to understand, identify, and stop the spread of health misinformation in their communities. The toolkit was developed in collaboration with the ...
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