Featured Grant OpportunitySchool Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityShare with Youth: NOAA Student Opportunities Database
Featured Grant OpportunityComprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (CPACHE) Program (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityLongitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityResearch and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics (Funding Opportunity)
2015 Summer Food Service Program Handbook
The 2015 Summer Food Service Program Handbook (PDF, 207 pages) is now available. This handbook provides guidance and resources to organizations administering summer food programs. New material includes tips on targeting local foods through proper procurement mechanisms. Join one of the many Summer Meals Webinars which will feature resources, technical guidance examples, and best practices that can help make Summer Meals Programs successful.
Federal Departments
Department of Agriculture
Health and Nutrition