- Federal Resources
Federal Resources
National Center for Safe Routes to School
The National Center for Safe Routes to School assists states and communities in enabling and encouraging children to safely walk and bicycle to school. The National Center serves as the information clearinghouse for the federal Safe Routes to School program. The organization also provides technical support and resources and coordinates online registration efforts for U.S. Walk to School Day and facilitates worldwide promotion and participation.
Videos: Reminding Kids About Street Safety Ages 5-18
Pedestrian Safer Journey has created videos for multiple age groups that can help teach young people about pedestrian and bike safety. Each video is accompanied by a quiz or discussion and resources for educators. Access materials on pedestrian safety for ages 10-14 and 15-18 and resources on bike safety for ages 10-14 and 15-18.
New State Fact Sheets on Drunk Driving and Restraint Use
The CDC’s Injury Center has released two new fact sheets that provide state-specific data on seat belt use and drunk driving. “Buckle Up: Restraint Use Fact Sheets” provides snapshots of motor vehicle occupant deaths and seat belt use and describes proven strategies to increase the use of appropriate restraints. “Sobering Facts: Drunk Driving State Fact Sheets” provides information on alcohol-involved traffic deaths as well as strategies that can reduce drunk driving. Access state-level data on a variety of topics related to driver safety on the Injury Center’s website.
Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action
This report describes the critical problem of youth violence and provides information and action steps that public health and community leaders, young people, families, caregivers, and other adults that work with youth can take to prevent it.
The Economic Burden of Child Maltreatment in the United States and Implications for Prevention
This report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the total lifetime estimated financial costs associated with just one year of confirmed cases of child maltreatment is approximately $124 billion.
The Relationship Between Bullying and Suicide: What We Know and What It Means for Schools
This resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention, provides school administrators, teachers and school staff with the most current research findings about the relationship between bullying and suicide among school-aged youth and action-oriented, evidence-based suggestions to prevent and control bullying and suicide-related behavior in schools.
Brief: the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth in Child Welfare Settings
A recent brief from the Permanency Innovations Initiative highlights how research is contributing to a better understanding of the needs of LGBTQ youth in child welfare settings. The brief presents findings from qualitative interviews conducted with youth participating in the Recognize, Intervene, Support, and Empower (RISE) project, funded through a grant from the Children’s Bureau to the Los Angeles LGBT Center.
Resource: Essentials for Childhood Framework: Steps to Create Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for All Children
This framework proposes strategies communities can use to promote children and families’ positive development and to prevent child abuse and neglect. It includes four goal areas and suggested steps based on best available evidence to achieve each goal.
Resource: Injury and Violence in the U.S. by the Numbers
This infographic highlights key data on injury and violence in the United States in morbidity, mortality, and the cost to society. It also provides information on proven prevention strategies for issues such as motor vehicle injury, prescription drug overdose, child abuse and neglect, sexual violence, and youth sports concussions.
Resource: Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE)
This web app provides information and space for practitioners and teams to develop and edit customized youth violence prevention plans and measure progress.
Resource: Best Practices Guide for Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention
This resource (PDF, 132 pages) for organizations and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities features a summary of the burden of motor vehicle crash injury and death among the AI/AN community. It also provides recommended strategies, with examples from Indian Country, to increase seat belt use, increase child safety seat use, and reduce alcohol-impaired driving.
Resource: Roadway to Safer Tribal Communities Toolkit
This toolkit features fact sheets, posters, and videos that tribal governments and health professionals can use to promote road safety in American Indian/Alaska Native communities, a population with the highest motor vehicle-related death rates of all racial and ethnic groups.
Resource: WISQARS Fatal Injury Mapping
This update to the Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) includes 2008–2014 fatal injury mapping data. The mapping module allows public health and other professionals in the injury prevention field to produce customized, color-coded maps depicting injury-related death rates throughout the U.S.
Resource: A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors
This technical package (PDF, 64 pages) highlights six youth violence prevention strategies that represent the best available evidence on preventing youth violence and its consequences. It also articulates a select set of strategies and approaches to achieve the vision of CDC’s national initiative, Striving To Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere. Communities and states can use this resource to guide and inform decision-making related to youth violence prevention efforts.
Resource: Preventing Sexual Violence
This webpage highlights federal efforts to prevent sexual violence (SV) on college campuses, information on SV prevention strategies, and CDC’s five-component framework for preventing SV. Higher education professionals and SV practitioners can use this information to plan and implement prevention strategies on college and university campuses.
Resource: Dating Matters Interactive Guide on Informing Policy
This update to CDC’s Dating Matters online training helps professionals working in the injury and violence prevention field learn about evaluating teen dating violence policies, how they impact the problem, and how to use findings to inform and strengthen public health efforts.
Resource: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practices
This technical package (PDF, 64 pages) highlights six strategies that represent the best-available evidence to prevent intimate partner violence and its consequences across the lifespan. Communities and states can use this resource to guide and inform decisions about programs, policies, and practices related to intimate partner violence prevention.
Preventing Teen Dating Violence and Youth Violence Program
Different types of violence are connected and often share the same root causes. CDC’s Preventing Teen Dating and Youth Violence by Addressing Shared Risk and Protective Factors program funds 5 local health departments to engage in primary prevention activities to prevent teen dating violence and youth violence.