- Federal Resources
Federal Resources
Internet Safety: 2014 Resource Guide
This guide features short descriptions and links to multiple organizations, programs, publications, tools, and other resources related to internet safety, as well as subtopics like cyberbullying, sexting, self-harm, and suicide.
About Safe Communities
The Safe Communities approach represents a new way community programs are established and managed. All partners participate as equals in developing solutions, sharing successes, assuming risks, and building a community structure and process to continue improvement of community life through the reduction of injuries and costs.
Child Passenger Safety
Factsheet on child safety when riding in vehicles, including links to other resources.
Digital Bicycle and Pedestrian Motion Graphics
NHTSA has developed new motion graphics that rely on images and animations that can help people who speak different languages or may be hearing impared learn about bicycle and pedestrian safety concepts.
Free Bicycle Safety Curriculum
The Society of Health and Physical Educators and NHTSA have collaborated to create a new, free bicycle safety curriculum that physical education teachers and recreation specialists can use when working with students in grades 6-12.
Seat Belt Safety — Tweens (ages 8 to 14)
A new campaign targeted to parents and caregivers of tweens aims to increase the proper use of seat belts among young people, ages 8-14. The goal of the campaign is to promote the development of good seat belt practices that will stay with them for life.
School Bus Safety
Information and resources regarding school bus safety.
Vehicle Safety Resources
The Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration features information on its Parent Central website to help parents keep kids safe while they are on the road.
Internet Safety
This site, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, includes a consolidated list of federal links providing information on internet safety for children and youth.
Department of Defense STARBASE
The DoD STARBASE is an educational program sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. Students can participate in challenging "hands-on, mind-on" activities in aviation, science, technology, engineering, math, and space exploration. The program provides students with 20-25 hours of stimulating experiences at National Guard, Navy, Marine, Air Force Reserve and Air Force bases across the nation.