
  1. Resources


This tip sheet is designed to help young people, their caseworkers, and supportive adults ensure that vital documents (e.g., birth certificates, social security cards or information, driver’s licenses, health insurance information, medical records) and information related to credit reports are provided well before transition from foster care. Learn more.  ...
This toolkit provides agency teams with tools and discussion questions to better understand the connections among ongoing federal and agency efforts, identify opportunities for including people with lived experience in these initiatives, and examine disproportionality and disparities in services and outcomes. Learn more.  ...
This report (PDF, 114 pages) draws on data from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive (Archive) to profile delinquency cases and petitioned status offense cases handled in 2021 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction. The report also tracks trends in delinquency and petitioned status cases between 2005 and 2021. Learn ...
This lesson plan contains student activities and teacher prompts to help teens make healthy choices about cannabis use. Learn more. 
This quiz tests players' knowledge on what causes drug overdoses and how to save a life using naloxone. Learn more. 
Application deadline: April 30, 2024  OVC is providing funding to print and disseminate copies of the resources in the Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials. These materials were designed to support children and youth during their involvement with the justice system as a victim or witness to a crime. They are ...
This guide aims to help parents understand and identify the current medications and popular nonapproved substances teens are misusing. The guide describes the problem of drug misuse among teens, where and how they are getting drugs, and misconceptions of prescription drug use. Learn more (PDF, 60 pages).  ...
This map highlights some of the organizations and efforts around the country working in one or more of the following roles to provide students with the academic, social, mental health, and other supports they need to recover from the impacts and disruptions of the pandemic and thrive:  Academic Tutors  Mentor  Post-Secondary Transition Coaches  Student ...
This consumer guide (PDF, 24 pages) offers people with past or current problematic substance use a straightforward exploration of the roles, values, and work environments of professional peer specialists. This guide is a comprehensive resource that will help readers understand who professional peer specialists are, what they do in various ...
These checklists are designed to help families with children prepare for an emergency. Parents and other caregivers can learn which items to consider including in an emergency kit and how to turn this task into a fun game for the family. Checklists are available for families with children or pets ...
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