
  1. Websites


September is Child Welfare Workforce Development Month (CWWDM). CWWDM celebrates the work of child welfare and social work professionals, leaders, and students. This webpage features CWWDM materials, including posters, certificates, a schedule of events, infographics, activities, and more. Learn more.  ...
This webpage features materials for CDC’s Empower Vape-Free Youth Campaign. The campaign encourages middle and high school educators to speak with students about the risks of e-cigarettes and nicotine addiction. The campaign also provides resources for educators to help students avoid or quit vaping. Materials include fact sheets, conversation cards, ...
This webpage shares tips for parents on providing healthy snack options that give young people important nutrients and help satisfy hunger between meals. Learn more. 
This webpage shares how parents and caregivers can help their children develop healthy habits to last a lifetime. The webpage explores these questions:  Why is it important for my child to stay at a healthy weight?  How do I know if my child is at a healthy weight?  What if my child is ...
The Move Your Way® campaign provides free tools and resources to promote key messages from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans — including fact sheets, posters, videos, and interactive tools. This webpage provides links to the following resources:  Campaign materials for young people, parents and caregivers, health care providers, and more  A ...
This webpage contains  marketing materials for NHTSA’s winter holiday impaired driving prevention initiative. Campaign materials include graphics, fact sheets, news releases, radio and TV ads, reports, and more. Learn more.  
This webpage provides tips on healthy eating and physical activity. Parents, guardians, and teachers can help young people develop healthy habits with these tips:  Ensure adequate sleep  Reduce screen time   Develop healthy eating habits  Limit snacks with lots of salt, added sugar, and saturated fat  Help children and teens stay active  Additional resources on healthy eating, ...
This webpage describes the impacts of childhood obesity and explores prevention strategies. Prevention strategies include:  Obesity prevention standards in education settings  Model a healthy eating pattern as a family  Move more as a family  Set consistent sleep routines  Replace screen time with family time  Additional tips and resources are provided. Learn more.  ...
This set of hands-on activities accompanies NASA’s “First Woman” graphic novel series, which tells the story of Callie Rodriguez, the first woman to explore the Moon. Callie is a fictional character inspired by the first female astronaut and person of color, who will soon set foot on the Moon. These ...
This webpage contains STEM resources for college and university students. The page includes opportunities for students and faculty, institution-level funding opportunities, competitions and challenges for community colleges and technical and vocational schools, career resources, podcasts, social media content, and more. Learn more.  ...
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