
The Texas Hunger Initiative (THI) began in 2009 as a capacity-building and collaborative project within the Baylor University School of Social Work in partnership with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop a model to significantly reduce - if not eliminate - hunger ...
The primary goal of all National Children's Alliance children’s advocacy centers (CAC) is to ensure that children disclosing abuse are not further victimized by the intervention systems designed to protect them. CACs are child-focused, facility-based programs with representatives from many disciplines working together to effectively investigate, prosecute, and treat child ...
Finding a drug rehab center is a complex and emotional process.Beginning one's recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction to a place of sobriety, a place of physical well-being, and a place of emotional freedom from drugs is a true challenge. Our aim at AllTreatment is to educate, inform, and guide ...
The New York City Mentoring Children Collaboration (NYC MCC) was created to leverage resources to provide mentoring to children of incarcerated parents. NYC MCC is New York City-based, with four collaborating organizations serving of all the boroughs of NYC.Our collaboration was created with the funding support from The New York ...
Funded through a cooperative agreement from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Project Youth Safety is a comprehensive multimedia, multicultural public awareness initiative promoting child and youth safety at the community level. Project Youth Safety independently focuses on six child/youth safety issues to ...
MilitaryVALoan.com will provide a $1,000 annual scholarship to those who have overcome their disabilities or who have worked with those with disabilities to achieve something great.
This resource provides information on local and international scholarships for undergraduates, masters and Ph.D. students in Africa and developing countries. Also access information on contests, grants, and fellowships.
The Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators (CJCA) is a national non-profit organization, formed in 1994 to improve local juvenile correctional services, programs and practices so the youths within the systems succeed when they return to the community and to provide national leadership and leadership development for the individuals responsible for ...
The Center for Collaborative Action Research links educators, researchers, and community members with the goal of creating deep understanding of educational problems in the school context and to encourage evidence-based reasoning to solve these problems.
This website links to multiple articles that provide guidance for teens and parents on how teenagers can operate motor vehicles safely.
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