
Most bullying prevention involves conveying to kids how hurtful it can be and hoping those doing it will stop, and having consequences if they don't.  Teaching young people to have Unconditional Self-Acceptance (USA) and an Internal Locus of Control are often missing from such prevention programs.  Our thoughts about our ...
It's Your Life helps LGBTQ youth in foster care navigate the child welfare system. Explore this site to understand your rights and receive the care and attention you are entitled to.
These resources are designed to be used with adolescents in religious education, Sunday schools, youth group meetings or any primarily Christian audience. They affirm the worth and dignity of all students. Specifically, they are designed to address and eliminate anti-gay bullying and harassment by adherents of Christianity.  Materials encourage adherence ...
DrawSuccess 4 Students is a newly-formed non-profit organization dedicated to helping students change their world in a fun and rewarding way.  In Latin "to educate" means "to draw out."  In the same way, DrawSuccess 4 Students uses a unique, experiential process (the DrawSuccess Game) that "draws out" ideas and solutions ...
This toolkit aims to build off of the work of the OJJDP's task force on employment and training opportunities for youth offenders to identify what works in promoting economic self-sufficency for this population.
Bullies to Buddies takes a basic psychological approach of which anyone can easily learn. With this program, people learn how to respond to bullies in ways which will peacefully deter the bullying. By having a child learn skills to deter bullying, they become more resilient, independent and emotionally mature, whereas ...
When a cyberbullying incident occurs, it is important that schools, teens and families work together to minimize the potentially devastating consequences for the targeted individual and the school community as a whole. This resources includes ideas on prevention and intervention for administrators, educators, family members and students ...
Every state in the USA has a Cooperative Extension that is part of their Land Grant College and USDA. It has a wide variety of information and programs available, and is different in every state. 4-H started in 1902 and has been going strong ever since.
To successfully make the transition from school to adult life and the world of work, adolescents and young adults need guidance and encouragement from caring, supportive adults. The best decisions and choices made by transitioning youth are based on sound information including appropriate assessments that focus on the talents, knowledge, ...
Search sites like Google, social networking sites like Facebook, and micro-blogging sites like Twitter have added a new element to disability disclosure. Now it is possible to disclose disability status on the internet without even being aware of it.  The goal of this document is to provide youth suggestions on ...
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