
This resource (PDF, 3 pages) defines bullying and offers bullying prevention strategies that school leaders, teachers, and staff can implement to help identify, address, and prevent bullying in schools. Additional resources are provided. Learn more (PDF, 3 pages). 
This webpage shares warning signs that a child may be involved in cyberbullying and offers tips to educators on preventing and addressing cyberbullying. Learn more. 
Pre-application webinars:   August 8, 2023, 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET   August 23, 2023, Noon - 1:00 pm ET  September 14, 2023, 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET  Applications to join the Child Safety Learning Collaborative (CSLC) are open. The CSLC brings together injury and violence prevention and maternal and child health practitioners from ...
Through the Free to Learn initiative, ED and HHS are encouraging states, territories, school districts, Tribal nations, and public health agencies to pledge to partner to create and support schools and other learning environments that prevent, address, and ameliorate the effects of bullying, violence, and hate while also supporting school ...
This toolkit (PDF, 58 pages) offers simple strategies and guidance K-12 schools and school districts can use to implement and enhance safety reporting programs and encourage bystander reporting among students and other members of the school community. It is designed to help school leaders create tailored, customized approaches that meet ...
The second season of the Awkward Conversations podcast series features 20 video podcast episodes that cover a variety of subjects to help parents empower their kids with the tools needed to stay safe, drug free, and make healthy decisions. Topics include signs of drug use in teens, fake pills, preventing ...
On YE4C young people share their experiences and perspectives on what makes a difference for youth engaged in change. Learn from their stories.
The CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary and Trends Report: 2011-2021 shows that many teens are experiencing increasingly high levels of violence, sadness, and suicide risk.
This webpage explores peer, family, emotional, and school factors that contribute to some youth bullying other youth. The page seeks to help parents, caregivers, and teachers empathize with young people who bully so they can understand the root of the problem and help stop bullying for good. Learn more.  ...
This fact sheet (PDF, 1 page) summarizes key takeaways and resources from OJJDP's Preventing Youth Hate Crimes & Identity-Based Initiative. The fact sheet highlights the initiative’s comprehensive preventing youth hate crimes literature review, 2-day virtual symposium, 13-part webinar series, and 19 youth roundtable discussions. It also provides an overview of ...
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