Community Development

This webinar series explores approaches and evidence-based practices to help listeners boost the impact of their work. Subscribe for the latest publications and insights on national service, social innovation, volunteering, and civic engagement.Learn more and subscribe.
This website compiles a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to prevent or reduce public health problems like violence. They can help improve the health and well-being of communities.Learn more.
This document aims to provide parents of K–12 students information to help understand what it means when their school has a data breach, as well as provide tools and best practices to help navigate the sometimes confusing process of protecting children’s data in the event of a breach.Learn more.
Explore resources for restoring the teaching and learning environment after a natural disaster.Learn more.
This resource (PDF, 22 pages) describes the importance of disaster planning in child welfare and discusses how caseworkers can prepare themselves and the children, youth, and families on their caseloads for emergencies. The bulletin also shares response and recovery strategies that child welfare staff can use when disasters occur in their ...
This interactive map highlights examples of state, districts, and localities investing COVID relief funds to support students with afterschool and summer programs. Learn more. 
This fact sheet offers information for core planning team members and safety leaders at K-12 schools and school districts on elements to include in their Recovery Annex that address and prepare the education agency for the loss of a member of the school community. Learn more (PDF, 13 pages). 
Application deadline: Rolling basis  The American Connection Corps (ACC) is an AmeriCorps service experience dedicated to advancing economic prosperity in rural and legacy communities. ACC Members commit to a year of local service addressing the digital divide while serving in one of three program areas:  Community & Economic Development  Health & Social Capital  Agriculture ...
This guide offers strategies for engaging with and using the Summer and Afterschool Needs Assessment to diagnose needs and strengths, support continuous improvement processes, and better connect program providers to expertise and resources in the community. Learn more. 
The Comprehensive Systems Integration for Adolescent and Young Adult Health (CSI-AYAH) program will help states, territories, and Tribal groups to create systems of care for young people ages 10—25. The program seeks to:  Improve coordination between leaders of health, school, and community systems  Provide technical assistance and support capacity-building for state, territory, ...
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