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Mental Health

The recently enacted Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (PDF, 10 pages) includes key new provisions that support efforts to improve safety and security in schools. The new law provides additional dedicated funding to school safety grant programs, officially codifies, and expands access to mental health support services for schools and ...
This webinar introduced the Rise CORE Program, which equips Parent Advocates with knowledge, tools, and resources to support parents with:  navigating the system to reunify more quickly  navigating the trauma and emotions of their case  strengthening self-advocacy skills  building a support network and connections to resources—so that, once families are reconnected, they do not ...
This brief (PDF, 2 pages) explores findings on interventions and treatment programs that seek to prevent crime and reduce recidivism among youth. The following five statements are based on practices and programs rated by CrimeSolutions:  Juvenile awareness programs may be ineffective and potentially harmful.  Cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce aggression in children ...
This community-based, trauma-informed, gender-responsive advocacy intervention is designed for girls 11 to 17 years old who are at risk for or already involved in the juvenile justice system. The program is rated Promising in the Crime Solutions database. Intervention group girls were less likely to engage in physical fights and ...
This webpage contains a collection of webinar recordings related to supporting the physical and mental health of Native Youth. Recorded sessions include “Concerning Posts on Social Media Workshop,” “Sustain and Grow Your Program,” “Stand Up to STI/HIV Stigma,” and more. Learn more. 
This film, which premiered in June 2022, gives voice to the experiences of young people who struggle with mental health challenges and focuses on the importance of awareness and empathy. The television documentary is directed by Ken Burns and is available on PBS. Learn more. 
The Department of Education (ED) recently launched the National Parents and Families Engagement Council (the Council) to facilitate strong and effective relationships between schools and parents, families, and caregivers. The Council consists of parent, family, or caregiver representatives from national organizations who will work with the Department to discuss how ...
This webpage highlights CDC research showing that LGBTQ-inclusive practices in schools benefit LGBTQ students and heterosexual students alike, with heterosexual students seeing greater benefit in some risk categories when inclusive practices are present. The reverse is also true. Restrictive LGBTQ policies and practices negatively impact heterosexual students as well. Additional ...
This new webpage on evaluating LGBTQ+ -focused professional development (PD) can help schools and school districts as they offer training to educators on how to create safe schools for LGBTQ+ students. The page includes learning objectives and sample items to assess individuals’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to core competencies ...
This webpage offers a collection of informational resources and guidance to help children, families, educators, and communities who have been affected by mass shootings and other forms of community violence. Learn more.  
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