Teen Driver Safety

This webpage includes materials to prevent impaired driving on Halloween night. The page contains graphics, social media posts, fact sheets, and a news release. Learn more. 
The 2023 Speed Prevention Campaign, Speeding Wrecks Lives, is July 10–31, 2023. This webpage contains information on the two  campaigns under Speeding Wrecks Lives:   Speeding Catches Up with You (social norming)   Speeding Slows You Down (enforcement)  Both campaigns include graphics, ads, press releases, social media content, videos, and more. Learn more.    ...
This guide calls on youth to engage with their local decision-makers to advocate for a more safe and sustainable transportation system for all road users during Global Youth Traffic Safety Month (GYTSM). This guide includes a list of activities with associated points for participating youth. By the end of May, ...
This webpage provides campaign materials focusing on seat belt safety education. The page contains graphics, guides, fact sheets, news releases, images, videos, and social media content. Resources are available in English and Spanish. Learn more. 
May is Motorcycle Safety Month. This webpage provides materials and resources to promote motorcycle safety and reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on highways. The page contains a fact sheet, news releases, and sample social media posts. Learn more.  
This webpage contains campaign materials to enforce safe seatbelt use and highlights the dangers of not wearing a seat belt. The page contains social media content, graphics and infographics, videos, banners, TV ads, and more. Learn more. 
This webpage contains facts and resources on drunk driving prevention for St. Patrick’s Day 2023. The webpage contains graphics, banners, fact sheets, news releases, and sample social media messaging. Learn more.  
On YE4C young people share their experiences and perspectives on what makes a difference for youth engaged in change. Learn from their stories.
This webpage presents resources and messaging for traffic safety advocates on preventing drug-impaired driving on April 20th, more commonly known as 420. The page contains graphics, fact sheets, press releases, and sample social media content. Learn more.  
This webpage provides a collection of resources and facts about drunk driving prevention during this year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. The page contains graphics, videos, fact sheets, social media messaging, and more. Learn more. 
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