Youth - All Ages

This tip sheet (PDF, 5 pages) provides advice for keeping and protecting important personal records and information. The resource is designed for youth either living alone or transitioning to adulthood and provides a checklist of the various types of documents to save. A Spanish translation of this publication is also ...
The three reports summarize the AmeriCorps NCCC programs’ ability to support communities, affect members, and retain members: 1) Strengthening Communities: Discusses how communities where members serve have improved.2) Member Retention: Discusses how service members have been retained in the programs.  3) Leadership Skills: Discusses how the service has affected the leadership skills of ...
YE4C hosted an Instagram Live to discuss how recent events may be traumatic for young people, how to cope and build resiliency.
This survey will document the kinds of support provided to family members and young adults with behavioral health challenges during the transition years (16–25). Family members and other allies who provide/provided support to young people and young adults who receive/received support are invited to complete the confidential survey. ...
The Youth Engaged 4 Change website has a fresh, new look with content that continues to inspire and empower young people to improve their lives and the world around them.
This website provides articles highlighting resources on research, program strategies, federal news, and funding opportunities.
This tip sheet was written BY youth who have or have had incarcerated parents FOR youth who have incarcerated parents. The purpose is to provide words of support and encouragement. In June 2016, the federal government hosted a listening session with youth from across the country who have or have ...
To help youth effectively address the issues of the day, IWGYP has updated the YE4C homepage by adding a Current Events page to give priority focus the best federal resources that are timely and responsive to the issues that are top-of-mind to youth today.
NIAAA released CollegeAIM, a matrix-based instrument that can help educate college staff about underage student drinking interventions and guide them in implementing evidence-based interventions. CollegeAIM also allows officials to compare approaches and select a combination that meet the needs of their students and campus. ...
This article explains two kinds of scams: phishing, occurring through fraudulent e-mails that ask the recipient to verify personal information, and vishing, in which a scammer may make contact over the phone to request this information. It also provides tips for what those who think they may be a victim ...
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