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Barr, R., Morin, M., Brito, N., Richeda. B., Rodriguez, J., & Shauffer, C. (2014). Delivering services to incarcerated teen fathers: A pilot intervention to increase the quality of father–infant interactions during visitation. Psychological Services, 11, 10–21. doi: 10.1037/a0034877

Barr, R., Brito, N., Zocca, J., Reina, S., Rodriguez, J., & Shauffer, C. (2011). The Baby Elmo Program: Improving teen parent-child interactions within juvenile justice facilities. Children and Youth Services Review 33, 1555–1562. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.03.020

Bates, B., & Dozier, M. (1998). “This Is My Baby” coding manual. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of Delaware, Newark.

De Claire, K., & Dixon, L. (2015). The effects of prison visits from family members on prisoners’ well-being, prison rule breaking, and recidivism: A review of research since 1991. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 18, 185–199.

Hairston, C. F. (2002). The importance of families in prisoners’ community reentry. The ICCA Journal on Community Corrections, 11–14.

King, S., Woolard, J., & Barr, R. (2015). Cost-effective juvenile justice reform: Lessons from the Just Beginning 'Baby Elmo' Teen Parenting Program. North Carolina Law Review, 93, 1381.

Richeda, B., Smith, K., Perkins, E., Simmons, S., Cowan, P., Cowan, C., Rodriguez, J., Shauffer, C. & Barr, R. (2015). Baby Elmo leads dads back to the nursery: How a relationship-based intervention for fathers enhances father and child outcomes. Zero to Three, 35, 25–35.

Sedlak, A. J., & Bruce, C. (2010). Youth's characteristics and backgrounds: Findings from the Survey of Youth in Residential Placement. OJJDP Survey of Youth in Residential Placement Series.

Tamis-LeMonda, C., Shannon, J., Cabrera, N., & Lamb, M. (2004). Fathers and mothers at play with their 2- and 3-year-olds: Contributions to language and cognitive development. Child Development. 75,1806–1820. [PubMed: 15566381]