Use modeling and role play



Intervention Family

Skill-Building Interventions

Use Modeling and Role Play

The skill-building interventions in our evidence base covered a wide variety of skills, and those that were most effective employed active learning opportunities to practice and hone self-regulation skills. Successful interventions employed multiple and varied instructional techniques such as modeling, rehearsal, and role-playing. Modeling involves watching a trained individual act out or “model” a skill, usually while describing the actions. Rehearsal is a strategy for memorizing and internalizing a new skill and includes techniques such as repeatedly visualizing how one would use a skill or talking oneself through a process or series of steps. With role playing, participants act out a skill or process with each other to practice using a skill. Role playing often involves feedback from other participants or a provider to help improve performance on the skill.

Opportunities to observe skills in action and practice them in a safe place are designed to help youth learn new skills and internalize them. These strategies are intended to support learning by building “muscle memory” for skill use and allow for contemporaneous correction and feedback, so youth are more likely to be employing self-regulation skills consistently and correctly.