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Study Quality "N/A" means a study was ineligible for review (i.e., it did not meet the inclusion criteria in the review protocol.) For instance, a study would be ineligible if it did not examine impacts on sexual behaviors or their consequences and only looked at precursors such as knowledge or intentions. A study would also be ineligible if it was conducted outside the U.S. or with a sample whose average age was greater than 20 years old. If the search comes back with "0 Studies found", it means that TPPER has not yet reviewed the evidence for the submitted program (or author).
806 Studies found - Click on citation for additional information.
Work It Out Together
Wise Guys
Web-based HIV, hepatitis, and STI prevention program
Will Power/Won't Power
Web of Life
Teen Outreach Program (TOP)
Teen Outreach Program (TOP)
Teen Outreach Program (TOP)
Teen Outreach Program (TOP)