Adolescent Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment: A TAG Talk

Adolescent Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment: A TAG Talk

Dr. BagleyThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health, in collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs and Boston University School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and Medical Director of the addiction treatment clinic for teens and young adults at Boston Medical Center Sarah Bagley, developed a video about addressing substance use and addiction in adolescents and young adults and the most effective approaches to treating addiction, including opioid addiction.

Adolescence and young adulthood is a time when many people begin experimenting with alcohol and/or drugs. Although this experimentation does not always lead to addiction, most adults who have a substance use disorder started using before age 18 and develop the disorder by age 20.

The video, Adolescent Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment: A TAG Talk, can be viewed in one full-length format as well as broken out into six segments (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) for viewing individually or as a group. Two accompanying discussion guides — one for professionals (PDF, 2 pages) and one for families (PDF, 2 pages) — can be used in a variety of settings, including staff meetings, conference sessions, or trainings, and instructions for preparation and facilitation are provided. Dr. Bagley's biography, transcripts, and additional resources are also provided.

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Watch the Adolescent Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment full-length video 
Download the full-length video transcript (PDF, 10 pages)

Watch Segment 1: The Importance of Addressing Substance Use During Adolescence
Download the Segment 1 transcript (PDF, 2 pages)

Watch Segment 2: Stigma and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
Download the Segment 2 transcript (PDF, 1 page)

Watch Segment 3: Effectively Treating Substance Use Disorders
Download the Segment 3 transcript (PDF, 3 pages)

Watch Segment 4: Trends in Adolescent and Young Adult Opioid Use
Download the Segment 4 transcript (PDF, 2 pages)

Watch Segment 5: Treating Opioid Use in Adolescents
Download the Segment 5 transcript (PDF, 2 pages)

Watch Segment 6: Questions and Answers
Download the Segment 6 transcript (PDF, 3 pages)

Download the guide for families (PDF, 2 pages)

Download the guide for professionals (PDF, 2 pages)

Download additional resources (PDF, 3 pages)

Download Dr. Bagley's biography (PDF, 1 page)

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