The Changing Transition to Adulthood: A TAG Talk

The Changing Transition to Adulthood: A TAG Talk

Dr. Richard Stettersten, Jr.The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health, in collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs and Oregon State University Professor of Human Developmental and Family Sciences Richard Stettersten, Jr., developed a video about the transition to adulthood today, how it has changed over time, what skills and capacities are helpful for youth, and the roles of families, education, and employment in the process.

The path from adolescence to adulthood has become a complicated journey filled with uncertainty, shifting social and cultural expectations, growing social inequalities, and difficult economic choices and constraints. Scientific evidence reveals that slower, strategic transitions to adulthood can be beneficial and that family and other types of support are crucial in determining how young people fare in the United States.

The video, The Changing Transition to Adulthood: A TAG Talk, can be viewed in one full-length format as well as broken out into seven segments (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) for viewing individually or as a group. Two accompanying discussion guides — one for professionals (PDF, 3 pages) and one for families (PDF, 3 pages) — can be used in a variety of settings, including staff meetings, conference sessions, or trainings, and instructions for preparation and facilitation are provided. Dr. Stettersten's biography, transcripts, citations, and additional resources are also provided.

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Watch the full-length video 
Download the full-length video transcript (PDF, 8 pages)

Watch Segment 1: A Radically Altered Transition to Adulthood
Download the Segment 1 transcript (PDF, 2 pages)

Watch Segment 2: The Benefits of the Slower Path and Risks of a Fast Path
Download the Segment 2 transcript (PDF, 1 page)

Watch Segment 3: Four Problematic Views of Young People and Young Adulthood
Download the Segment 3 transcript (PDF, 1 page)

Watch Segment 4: Social Skills and Psychological Capabilities
Download the Segment 4 transcript (PDF, 1 page)

Watch Segment 5: Strengthening Pathways into Adulthood
Download the Segment 5 transcript (PDF, 1 page)

Watch Segment 6: A Few Other Lessons
Download the Segment 6 transcript (PDF, 2 pages)

Watch Segment 7: Questions and Answers
Download the Segment 7 transcript (PDF, 2 pages)

Download the guide for families (PDF, 3 pages)

Download the guide for professionals (PDF, 3 pages)

Download the additional resources (PDF, 2 pages)

Download Dr. Stettersten's biography (PDF, 1 page)

Download citations from the video (PDF, 3 pages)

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