Banner: Violence Prevention in partnership with the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention

Other Youth Topics


  1. Youth Topics
  2. Violence Prevention
  3. National Forum On Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Cleveland

National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Cleveland

We believe the youth violence prevention programs currently being implemented have aided in the overall reduction of youth arrests seen over the past five years and will be key to regaining significant declines. However, youth violence prevention must be viewed through a comprehensive frame, including universal, selected, and targeted approaches cutting across multiple disciplines.

Creation of The Cleveland Plan, and participation in the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, has allowed for a more transparent information sharing process, linking programs into a continuum of service, and incorporating new and innovative strategies to effectively address the youth violence being experienced in our neighborhoods today.

Point of Contact:

Michael L. Walker
Executive Director, Partnership For A Safer Cleveland
614 W Superior Avenue Suite 852
Cleveland, OH 44113-1306
(216) 523-1128
