• Intended Race/Ethnicity
    Intended Gender
    Intended Populations
  • Intended Age
    Intended Grade Level
  • Program Type
  • School-based
  • Languages

Overview of Research Evidence for All Programs Meeting the Review Criteria for Evidence of Effectiveness

Program Sort descending Sexual Activity Number of Sexual Partners Contraceptive Use STIs or HIV Pregnancy Compare
2gether Green small single circle Gray small single circle
AIM 4 Teen Moms (AIM4TM) Gray small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Adult Identity Mentoring (Project AIM) Green small single circle
All4You! Green small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle
All4You2! Gray small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle
Children's Aid Society (CAS)-Carrera Program Green medium single circle Medium gray single circle Green small single circle
Choosing the Best JOURNEY Green small single circle
Crossroads Green small single circle
Familias Unidas Green small single circle Gray small single circle Gray small single circle
Families Talking Together Green medium single circle
Generations Green small single circle
Get Real (Middle School) Green small single circle
Girl2Girl Gray small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle
HORIZONS Green small single circle Green small single circle
Health Improvement Project for Teens (HIP Teens) Green small single circle Green small single circle Green small single circle
Healthy Futures Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education I Green small single circle
High School FLASH, 3rd Edition Gray small single circle Green small single circle
IN·CLUED: Inclusive Healthcare – Youth & Providers Empowered Gray small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle Gray small single circle
It's Your Game: Keep It Real (IYG) Large yellow single circle Red medium single circle Green medium double circle
LeadHer Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Linking Families and Teens (LiFT) Gray small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle
Love Notes (for ages 14-24) Green small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle Green small single circle
Making Proud Choices! Green medium single circle Gray small single circle Green medium single circle Gray small single circle Gray small single circle
MyPEEPS Mobile Gray small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Peer Group Connection – High School (PGC-HS) Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Plan A Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Positive Potential Green small single circle Gray small single circle Gray small single circle
Positive Prevention PLUS – High School Green small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Possessing Your Power Green small single circle
Power Through Choices Gray small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle
Prime Time Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Project IMAGE Green small single circle
Promoting Health Among Teens! Abstinence-Only Intervention Green medium single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle
Promoting Health Among Teens! Comprehensive Abstinence and Safer Sex Intervention Medium gray single circle Green small single circle Medium gray single circle
Pulse Green medium single circle Gray small single circle
Raising Healthy Children (formerly known as the Seattle Social Development Project) Green small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle Green small single circle
Reducing the Risk Green large single circle Medium gray single circle Green medium single circle Gray small single circle Green medium single circle
STRIVE Gray small single circle Green small single circle Gray small single circle
Safer Choices Gray small single circle Green small single circle
Safer Sex Intervention (SSI) Green medium single circle Green medium single circle Green medium single circle Gray small single circle Gray small single circle
Seventeen Days (formerly What Could You Do?) Green medium single circle Medium gray single circle Green small single circle
Sexual Health and Adolescent Risk Prevention (SHARP) Green small single circle
Sisters Saving Sisters Green small single circle Green small single circle Green small single circle
Teen Options to Prevent Pregnancy (T.O.P.P.) Gray small single circle Gray small single circle Green small single circle Green small single circle
Teen Outreach Program (TOP) Green large single circle Large gray single circle Large yellow single circle
Vision of You Gray small single circle Green small single circle Green small single circle
Your Move Gray small single circle Green small single circle

Older or Inactive Programs

Program Sort descending Explanation
Aban Aya Youth Project - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Assisting in Rehabilitating Kids (ARK) - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it is not currently available for implementation.
Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective! - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Be Proud! Be Responsible! - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART) - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
¡Cuídate! - INACTIVE The program is inactive because it is not currently available for implementation.
Draw the Line/Respect the Line - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
FOCUS - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Guy2Guy - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has not yet been released publicly and is therefore not available for implementation.
Making a Difference! - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Project TALC - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Respeto/Proteger - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it is not currently available for implementation.
Rikers Health Advocacy Program (RHAP) - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
SiHLE - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.
Teen Health Project - INACTIVE This program is inactive because it has evidence of favorable impacts that is more than 20 years old. It no longer meets the inclusion criteria for the TPPER.


The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review did not examine curriculum content to make assessments about whether a program was medically or scientifically accurate, or inclusive of populations that are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. Meeting the Evidence Review criteria does not indicate HHS endorsement of a program model. For more information, please read about our review process and our FAQs.

Evidence Indication
Favorable evidence
Two or more studies show favorable findings on outcomes in domain
Potentially favorable evidence
At least one study shows favorable or potentially favorable findings on outcomes in domain
Indeterminate evidence
Uniformly null findings on outcomes in domain
Conflicting Evidence
Both favorable and unfavorable findings on outcomes in a domain
Potentially unfavorable evidence
At least one study shows unfavorable or potentially unfavorable findings on outcomes in domain
Unfavorable evidence
Two or more studies show unfavorable findings on outcomes in domain
Size Indication
Note: A blank cell indicates the studies associated with the program did not examine any outcome measures within that particular outcome domain, or the studies examined outcome measures within that domain but the findings did not meet the review evidence standards.